Tuesday 10 June 2008

It's over!

HEY PEEPS!!!!!!!!! WOHOOO. Gosh! I haven't written anything in this blog for so long even Nick Chew is thinking this blog of mine is fake!! LOL. (*Fake IS the opposite of not real right? ;) *)

Hahaha.. Wow, it is great to start blogging again. Really sorry for abandoning this. I've been busy preparing for exams. And yup! It is over! Exam's over! And that's not all....A levels is over too!! I've officially finished my 1 and 1/2 year of A levels course. Awesome? Awesome! Haha.

I must say, this year has been a hectic year. And it's not even over yet! Since the beginning of this year I've been busting my ass studying and preparing for the A2 exams. And I have one advice to give ya'll. DON'T STUDY LAST MINUTE!!!! Lol. Seriously I've learnt a great lesson. Since my further maths exam is only during A2, I pushed it aside during AS. The consequences? I have to study further maths for 1/2 a year. LOL. Seriously! I didn't touch further maths. And this year when I read the book I felt so lost! But thank God, I've got tuition, which really helped alot.

It hasn't been an easy year but thank God because He guided me through every single step. Even when I've disappointed Him so many times, He never gave up on me. I seriously could not have gone through life without Him. I've known people who condemn God, and saying how ridiculous it is, to believe in Him. But honestly, can you imagine a life without God? Honestly, I can't. Everytime my faith fails, and I push myself away from God, I can't help but to get back to Him. And I once heard someone said that we believe in God because we are all insecure. Which is so true! Can you say that you've been through life without once being insecure? Haven't you thought, what will happen if this or that? What will happen to me if this does not work out? I am not ashamed to say, that I have had these thoughts in my mind. And I am grateful to say that I have God to cling on to. =)

Well, I've got to go now. Going to catch a movie! Maybe Indiana Jones or Prom Night. Ooo I saw the trailer for prom night it looks pretty cool! Haha. Spooky but cool! Haha alright I'll be back! BYE!

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