Friday 10 October 2008


Hey people!! I'm so so sorry for not updating my blog. Getting here and settling down was kind of a challenge but hey, here I am! Better late than never :)

When I was in the plane on the way here, I was already feeling homesick. And when I got here, I hated London. Somehow I felt Malaysia was better than London. In some ways, it is. But that only got me miserable and sad. I kept asking the question again and again; do I want to live in London in the future? Do I want to spend the rest of my life here? I kept complaining to my mom about it. And this is what she said to me :

Remember the reason you are here. To get a good education. To get the education Malaysia could not provide you with. To study. Don't keep thinking about living here long term or something. Think I'm here to study.

She is the best. As I start my university life, I began to like London more and more. Actually more like liking LSE. It was different then what I expected. In some ways a good different, some ways a bad different. But oh well, balance I guess.

And now, everytime that question pops up in my head, I know how to answer it.

So yea, life has been pretty good here. The first week was just briefing and there was Fresher's Fayre. That is when everyone goes to sign up for the societies they want to. My gosh, there were so many societies! I joined the Amnesty International, the Malaysia Society, The Actuarial Science society, The Finance Society, Christian Fellowship, RAG (Raising and Giving), The Maths and Stats Society, The Music Society...what else? LOL too much? Yea, I thought so. Sigh, I couldn't help it. There were so many more societies I wanted to join.

On the second week, lectures started. Lectures has got like 500 over people in one theatre. HUGE crowd. Because there are other people from other courses also taking the same subject. First year subjects are quite general. My subjects are Mathematics, Statistics, Economics B and Abstract Maths. Only in my second year will it be more specific to Actuarial Science. So far the lectures have been quite good. Next week, classes will start. Classes are different than lectures in a way that classes consist of about 15 students and 1 class teacher is assigned to each class.

One of the things I really love about LSE is the Student Union. They represent the students' voice to the administrative office. They have weekly general meetings and I went for the 1st one yesterday. It was amazing. Those with motions will give a short speech and those who go against the motion will speak against them. Sort of like a debate. Wow they had so many motions. And the way they debated was so exciting!! LOL. I was pumped up too. Haha. But yea, I guess listening to them debating opened my mind and challenged me to speak up and answer tough questions on the spot. Still abit timid, but gotta pray for courage to speak up and the wisdom of words to say.

I have so much more to say. But I have homework to do! Economics homework is due on Sunday! Haha because the homework is online. So yea, I'll be back to tell you guys more exciting and awesome stories happening in LSE and in London.

Miss you all!


Anonymous said...

hey jo.

i'm linking you to my blog yeah, is that alright?

JoJo said...

yea sure! LOL u have a blog?? gimme d link!